Our classes

The silks look beautiful, elegant and effortless but are as hard as it gets! Beginner students will spend a lot of time learning to climb and perform basic holds. Intermediate and advanced students will learn more complicated drops, creative positions, and theory, as well as work through exercises to build endurance, discover new movements and start creating an act.

Round these parts we like to call it "squishy trapeze". If trapeze is too painful and silks are too much on your upper body, you might want to check out a sling class. While in our upper level sling classes we get pretty nitty gritty with the tough stuff, our beginner level is one of the most accessible aerial classes that we offer. Start here to get your confidence up for silks or trapeze.

Trapeze is the ballet of the air–the fundamental form on which all others are based. Aloft highly recommends (but doesn’t require) beginning your training with at least one session of trapeze classes to build your upper-body strength, learn basic aerial vocabulary and hone your aerial awareness. Single Point Trapeze incorporates dance and floor work with a trapeze that spins and swings.
Silks too dainty for you? Rope combines dynamic, momentum-based movements with intricate pathways and wraps. On rope you can be a cowpoke or a wizard, magically tossing the rope just into place with a flick of the wrist, then pirouetting effortlessly back to earth.

Lyra provides the full range of dynamic movement--it spins, swings and orbits as you flow from one gorgeous pose to the next...but that's not all! At Aloft we teach exciting dynamic skills so you don't have to be bendy to fall in love with lyra!

Straps will get you buff like nothing else! Similar to the men's rings in gymnastics, but more artistic and asymmetrical, straps will challenge those who thought they were strong!

In this class, you will build strength, body awareness and balance through a series of drills and moves designed to get you closer to a solid handstand. Come join in the fun as we learn to defy gravity one inversion at a time.

Stretching & Active Flexibility
Really want that split? Or just to touch your toes? The class will combine active and passive stretching, partner work and resistance to help you reach your flexibility goals. This class has no prerequisites and is a great starter class.

Learn to walk, sit, turn, and lay. Become more aware of your body and more in control. Advanced students will learn to bounce and jump. There are no current classes, but private lessons are available and keep your eye out for workshops.
ABC Silks is the starting level if you have never taken a silks class before. Most students pass this level in 4-8 classes. You must also take this class if you want to take Beginning Rope.
Regular climb (to 17 ft), Russian climb (to 17 ft), Hip Key theory (wrap on ground and feel hang), Footlock with hands, Footlock with feet (seated on ground), Inversions on the ground (right/left/center), 6 hangs, Lean forward/back in footlock.
2x Straddle Ups (bent arm, bent leg): 1 back to bent arms, 1 back to straight arms; Hip Lock (scissor legs) (R&L); Straddle Climbs (2) → To descend: straddle up to Star Descend, Single Star Drop (R&L), Double Crochet → Batt Hang → X on back → Sit Up → Stand on Tails; Crucifix (R&L)
2x Straddle Ups (bent arm, straight leg): 1 back to bent arms, 1 back to straight arms. 1x Straddle Up (straight arm, bent leg), Cross Back Straddle (from dancer locks), 4x Straddle Climbs, Single Crochet (R&L), Knee Climb (R&L), Puddle from Front Dive (from knotted silk), Hip Lock (R&L)
2x Straddle Ups (straight arm, straight leg), 1x Pike Inversion (straight arm, bent leg), Straddle Climbs to Top, Flag (3 seconds), Hip Lock (2x per side), 3x Helicopters (one side, proper exit), Puddle from Closed Front Salto, Back Balance (R&L)
Class Pre-requisites
ABC Trapeze is the starting level if you have not taken any sling or bar apparatus before
Beginning level sling requires the completion of ABC Silks or ABC Trapeze.
Static warm up materials - front balance, front balance rocks (“tippy birds”), star/back balance, self-spotted single knee hang, catapults, standing inversion/tuck rocks).
Dynamic warm up materials - hollow beats, pike beats, plank beats, Froggy beats, crochet beats.
Drops - forward salto, off the back, the concept of “strike.”
Wraps - familiarity with (at least one way in and out of) infinity belt, waist wrap, harness.
Other - comfortability working on a sling hung over head height, ability to invert from standing in the sling.
Static warm up materials - everything from advanced beginning plus single knee can can/ronde de jambe, Russian roll, serpent back balance roll to hip hang, front balance to fake arm breaker, tuck rock/pike arrows.
Dynamic warm up materials - everything from advanced beginning plus hollow beats from hanging/drop down to crucifix, reaching up above the feet out of crochet beats.
Drops - everything from advanced beginning plus storm trooper, bomb drop.
Other - invert from a bent arm hold, ability to hold a straddle in the air.
*instructor permission required before moving into this level, drop ins/visiting students may be approved on a case by case basis.
Static warm up materials - everything from intermediate 1 plus slide back to ankle hang from sitting, rock and roll pop to back balance, meat hook drills.
Dynamic warm up materials - everything from intermediate 1.
Drops - plinko (off the back/forward salto), crunch wrap (off the back/infinite forward roll/reverse roll to front balance).
Other - strong enough strike to stop in straddle.
*instructor permission required before moving into this level, drop ins/visiting students may be approved on a case by case basis.
ABC Trapeze is the starting level if you have never taken a trapeze class before! Most students stay at this level for 4 classes. You must also take this class to begin lyra or sling.
Hanging in alignment, tuck/pike to the bar, knee hangs, catcher's hangs, hip hang/front support, sitting on bar, sit to stand, Lean forward/back while standing, Side Star.
20 sec knee hang, 20 sec two arm hang, Tuck/pike/straddle under the bar with beat (can tag bar), Formal stand with all steps, Hold inverted straddle, Front balance, Six half-beats, Pull over from standing on floor
Single knee hang, Pull-over from beat, 10 sec one arm hangs, Ankle hang, Front fold to front balance, 1 pull up, 10 1/2 beats, 6 full beats, invert in ropes
Invert under bar no beat, 5 skin cats, 3 meat hooks each side, Back balance, Toe or heel hang, Beat combo: 1/2,tuck,knee beat, switch hands, straddle, switch hands, pull-over, off back, Back roll sit to stand
Take ABC Silks if you have never taken any aerial before and are interested in rope.
requires completion of ABC silks, as many of the fundamental principles of rope can be more easily achieved on silks at the Intro level. thus ensuring that the class continues to progress together without having to repeat the basics. Regular climb (to 17 ft), Russian climb (to 17 ft), Hip Key theory (wrap on ground and feel hang), Footlock with hands, Footlock with feet (seated on ground), Inversions on the ground (right/left), 4 hangs.
2x Straddle Ups (bent arm, bent leg): 1 back to bent arms, 1 back to straight arms; Hip Lock (scissor legs) (R&L); Straddle Climbs (2) → To descend: straddle up to Star Descend, Single Star Drop (R&L),
2x Straddle Ups (bent arm, straight leg): 1 back to bent arms, 1 back to straight arms. 1x Straddle Up (straight arm, bent leg), 6 solid bell beats, 3 solid pike beats.
Take ABC Trapeze if you have never taken any aerial before and are interested in lyra.
Lyra requires completion of ABCs Trapeze. Many of the fundamental concepts of lyra can be developed in trapeze, thus ensuring that the class continues to progress together without having to repeat the basics.
Working knowledge of beginner level skills (ie: lion in the tree, man in the moon, candlestick, beats), Tuck under the top bar from, sitting on bottom (light tagging ok), Come down from under top bar to sit cleanly, Pull Over, Ten Tuck Ups, Pull up to seated from hanging on top bar. Click for video.
Demonstrated knowledge of advanced beginning skills skills (ie: monkey roll, meathook, shoulder stand), Demonstrated ability to move with a moderate or slow speed spin, 1 hanging from top bar, pull up back to sit, 1 clean deadlift straddle up, straight legs, bent arms, 3 Clean pull overs, 15 tuck ups. Click for video!
INTERMEDIATE 2: Demonstrated knowledge of Intermediate 1 skills and Instructor permission. Dead hang chin up to clean pull over. 3 pull ups. Comfortable working high in the ropes on single and double point. Elbow hang with consecutive switches. Back elbow hang. Clean straight arm straddle up with a spin. Controlled lower down. Comfortable moving in a fast spin. Click for video.
If you have never taken an aerial class before and are interested in straps, take ABC Trapeze.
Focus is on very basic conditioning, and tricks such as double wrap (anatomy pose), front balance, sailor, meat hook, half straddle (ball buster), straddle up, skin the cat
Pre-reqs: inversion under an aerial apparatus OR instructors permission, holding the top of a pull up for 5 seconds
Beginning of class has an emphasis of conditioning and technique. Tricks introduced are at the level OF side balance, shoulder stand, one arm nutcracker, flag drills, switches
Pre-reqs: Straddle up, arrow to straddle, skin the cat without a spot, meathook without a spot, ability to do beginning level skills proficiently